At Magikvanilla, we want you to have the time of your life. To ensure that, everyone must understand some ground rules, so everything goes smoothly. Please read the terms and conditions below, and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.


Before you can participate in this programme, you must read our Terms & Conditions below, complete a booking form and sign a term of responsibility. If you're under 18 years of age, you must have your parents or guardians sign it. Magikvanilla does not accept any liability for any loss caused by failure to complete the term of responsibility/enrolment form. 


Surfing carries a degree of risk to people and property, even if enjoyed under proper supervision. It requires a reasonable level of fitness and a minimum of 50 meters of swimming ability.

When filling your booking form, you must notify us of any medical conditions, illnesses, disabilities, injuries or allergies you have, as well as any medication you are taking. For course participants under 18 years old, it is the parent or guardian's responsibility to inform us.

During the training, you must agree to submit to all directives and decisions that your instructors make to secure a safe learning environment for yourself and all participants.

You must not participate in any surfing activities if you suffer from a heart condition, injury or illness that may affect your safety. It would be best if you were not under the influence of any alcohol, illegal drugs, or any medication that may affect your physical abilities during training.

Magikvanilla will provide all equipment required for your surf lessons and take all reasonable measures to ensure its good condition. However, you are responsible for immediately reporting any damage caused to the equipment that becomes apparent while it is in your possession.

Magikvanilla does not seek to limit or exclude any liability for personal injury or loss of life that may occur due to its employees' negligence. However, Magikvanilla assumes no liability regarding any personal injury, loss, damage, consequential loss, or third-party claims caused by your negligence or that of any one of your group.

If Magikvanilla considers the sea or weather conditions dangerous for practical surf instruction, we will choose your safety and cancel the surf session. Eventually, we will provide land-based training and do everything we can to reschedule the missing surf session. If this is not possible, we will issue a credit voucher you can use until the end of the next season at Magikvanilla Surf School.


Our aim at Magikvanilla is to provide all our students with the best possible experience. For this matter, an attitude of respect, companionship, and care is fundamental. Magikvanilla staff are committed to consistently providing their best to ensure every participant enjoys their experience to the fullest. Similarly, all participants should be kind and respectful towards themselves and others, as well as their property, equipment, and environment.

For safety reasons, instructors have the right to refuse to tutor anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


If you go out to surf without an instructor, ask about the surf conditions first. If you want to go to a spot for the first time, you can just get in touch with its characteristics and any risks it may involve.

The Ocean is to be enjoyed by everyone. If you're surfing with locals or other tourists, show respect, and you will get your fair share of waves. Attention and courtesy make the experience safer and more fun for all.

Take a good look at the Ocean before paddling out. Watch a couple of sets, assess the currents, and watch out for any critical areas like rocks or reefs. Do not paddle out somewhere that is beyond your capability. That can put you and others in a dangerous position.

Stay in control of your board at sea and don't let go - especially in bigger surf. If you cannot duck dive, hold on tight and 'turtle roll' to get under the foam. If, for any reason, you decide to let it go and swim under a wave, look around you to make sure no one gets hurt.

Do not paddle in front of someone riding a wave unless you are way further down the line from them. If you find yourself in a position where you think another surfer may ride over you, paddle in the direction they are coming from, not where they will. It will be safer for all, and you won't spoil anyone's wave.

Look both ways before taking off on a wave and ensure no swimmers are nearby. If other surfers are around, remember that the first to their feet closest to the breaking part of the wave has the right of way.

A severe transgression in Surfing is taking off on a wave where someone is already in this position. If you accidentally drop in, kick out immediately and apologize. It is unsafe, and you may have messed up someone's wave.


Keep hydrated and wear sunscreen, even if you think it's not that hot. The reflective water makes it much more intense to expose your skin. A sunburn can be quite a downer (and trust us; wetsuit tan marks don't look that great either. ;) 

Leave nothing but footprints at the beach. Take all your rubbish with you, and pick it up if you stumble across something that shouldn't be there. You will find bins on your way out: Yellow for plastic and metal, Blue for paper and cardboard, and Green for glass.